Teh Wedding

More Celebration, Less Ceremony

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Month: June, 2008

Wedding Vows

29 June, 2008 (09:32) | Preparation | 2 comments

So, Tommy and I are debating on pre-written vows versus writing our own. Today, I’ve been surfing the internet looking for non-corny, pro-Tommy/Kathy type vows. Many vows got crossed off within a line or two. Just when I thought I’d never find something that perfectly encapsulated what I want to convey, I stumbled across a […]


29 June, 2008 (08:30) | Blah Blah Blah | No comments

Here’s the map info for everyone. Let me know if it’s missing anything, but I’ve got the Plaza Arts Center (w/ Extra Parking), Hotel, Rehearsal Dinner. Emergency details are coming soon. For a permanent link, you can go to http://wedding.lastcoolnamelet.com/maps/g2.html

Rolling along now…

4 June, 2008 (22:20) | Preparation | 1 comment

There hasn’t been much in the blogging aspect, but there has been much in the wedding side. My suit & her dress : Check. Parents meet Parent : Check. World did not implode. Honeymoon : Booked. Wedding, Reception, Rehearsal Locations : Booked Wedding Party : Confirmed, 4 on each side. Gift Registry : Check. We’re […]